Monday 20 April 2009

Gran Torino

Right, I know this has been out for ages, in fact so long it's probably not in the pictures anymore, but I saw it and then for several reasons, none particularly interesting, the review just fell through the cracks.

I was going to talk about the fact that Gran Torino is an immensely enjoyable film that features a great, possibly final, performance from Clint. I was going to talk about the fact that it overcomes some ropey performances from a few of the cast and some cheesy scenes, such as the one where Walt confronts a gang of black guys hassling his neighbour and her "wigga" boy pal, thanks to a glut of really great moments. I was even going to comment on the fact that the film makes casual racism fun! Not really. You see I was going to talk about how Walt is so emotionally damaged that he has to keep everyone at a distance and what easier way to do that than racially abusing them? And I was also going to say that Clint actually sings in this and that by doing so has allowed Jamie Cullum to turn in the first song of his that upon hearing it doesn't make me want to kill everything standing between he and my awful, awful vengeance.

But the review never got written so now I'm not able to talk about those things. Sorry. You'll just need to decide for yourself if you should have seen this when it was out or not.

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