Time to get this feature back on the road so I scoured the DVD shelf and my eyes fell on this, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis? Early 90's? Plus I bought it years ago and the cellophane was still on it so i felt it was time, the planets were aligning I guess. Dont Think I had actually seen this since the 90's so that was a nice wee extra. Incidentally, how good is the poster to the right, I initially thought about finding a better quality one then thought fuck it, why not have what looks like 8 A4 section poster? Free from Look'in or Smash Hits or some other magazine of that time. Ha!
Angry ego centric weatherman has to relive the same day over and over again in small Pensylvanian town to hilarious effect till he is happy or maybe just less of a angry ego centric weatherman. Stars a Groundhog.
Terrific film with a brilliant central performance by Bill Murray (does he do anything else?) Watching Groundhog Day your mind wanders to what you would do if you have to live one day over and over again, mostly though you find yourself reliving a good day or aday where you are in familiar surroundings. This film puts our central arsehole in a weird little twon he doesnt know with limited choices of things to do. High Concept comedy? oh yes. it really is superbly scripted, the way the story builds and makes sense while not ramming the concept down your throat is a credit to Danny Rubin and Harold Ramis. However, you have to take into account Murrays adlibbing skills, as many of the scenes are peppered for the better with cynical Philisms that surely come from Murray as the scenes are retaken. Ramis says as much on the commentary at the films finale which was written that Phil says "lets live here" to which Murray adds "we'll rent, to start!"
The myraid of characters who populate Punxsutawney are a joy to watch and repeat viewings makes you see how they all turn up at different parts, and also the continuity for me is first rate as many scenes are repeated at he lives out the same day none of it seems forced.
Excellent 90's comedy. though here is a snazzy trailer which is cut to make it a tense thriller, works well.
The whole film is available in parts on youtube too if you search for it, though you never heard that here. :)
1. Braindead
2. Hudsucker Proxy
3. Grosse Pointe Blank
4. Tremors
5. Cube
6. Galaxy Quest
7. White Men Can't Jump
8. Groundhog Day
Put it in at number 8, its good and it stands up, plus at this early stage I guess it doesnt really matter. its in and thats it.
1 comment:
I'd have Groundhog Day well higher then number 8 personally.
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