Here is some more links to some articles and other such stuffs online (trailers or such like) that tickled our movie fancy this week and are perfect fodder for a lazy Sunday in front of the computer. Enjoy.
During this week I went to a taping of a Toronto based talk show The Hour and sat in the audience when Harrison Ford gave a very rre intimate interview. Would have mentioned it before but it is shown on TV on Monday night coming so if you can see it, watch it and if you cant then I will try get some youtube links to it and give a bit of commentary of my experience, so this is a link into the future in soem ways if such a think exists. Trailer for Harrisons new film is further down this post.
"Friend" of Splice Ivan Reitman, see the TIFF diaries on here for confirmation of this kinship, has hinted that he will be back on Ghostbusters 3. Not that the link tells you much more, but think of it as proof of some sort.
Is Sherlock Holmes a load of garbage? I dont know, I think it looks quite decent and Guy Ritchie is far from the worst director the world has seen. However I have heard that in terms of being a authentic adaptation of Doyles book its a bit off the mark, Holmes is gay for example? But this guy says its actually quite on the money.
The Glasgow Film Festival is coming up in February and that wee link was for Red to click and try chasing up a press pass, cos if you dont ask you dont get. More to follow on the festival as the schedule is announced, right now though the Cary Grant retrospective is sounding good though. Failing a access all areas pass being granted, there is always volunteering, its ace.
But tonight its The Golden Globes. If you live in the UK then this happenes usually when your tucked up in bed and the news of who has won what and what the hell are they wearing usually comes at the earliest when your eating breafast and watching GMTV. I am over in North America so I will enjoy my first big awards ceremony in real time. I get to find out how mind numbingly boring they supposedly are. Heres the runners and riders. Hey, Scorsese is getting the Cecil B DeMille award and Gervais is hosting, it cant be that bad. If i do watch then i will document the event and post on here, hows that.
Hey ho kids, it's Big Red here with a wee link for you. It's the Rotten Tomatoes Awards.
Kids in the Hall Presents Death Comes to Town
American Idol
The Last 7 or 8 episodes of 24 day 7 in preparation for day 8 starting this weekend.
still reading The Hot Kid by Elmore Leonard, its good but my brain isnt clicked into reading the now so its a slog.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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