Ok so I flick it over and I have missed the opening credit sequence, I am thinking was there one or was it just a voiceover to introduce the host Ricky Gervais. I am pretty sure I have only missed maybe two minutes so its not like the Oscars all music and dancing. Though I haven’t ever watched the Oscars either (but I will this year) so I don’t even know if that’s what happens in that. What I will do is assume all I missed was a voiceover intro and our host making his way to the front of the stage to speak to his audience. So Ricky cracks a few gags, a good NBC one in particular and then were straight into awards.
Best supporting actress kicks it all off, I posted a link to the nominations the other day so I wont go through with a dry run down of all nominees and the eventual winner for every award because I have neither the time nor the patience and if your reading this neither will you I expect. So Monique won for the Precious based on a book called Sapphire by someone or other won it. Her speech was quite nice, how she spoke about her husband was touching. When reading the nominations there was no clips, just straight out with the winner. This could all be over sharp if that’s how it goes. But I like clips.
I forgot TV awards were involved in this, now up is best actress on TV in a comedy or something. Whoever the girl is that is presenting with Lost’s own Jack Sheppard is making a big mess of her spiel. As the nominees appear on the screen it comes to my attention that Edie Falco is stunning, but she doesn’t win. Toni Collette wins for I don’t know what. She is quite a good looking lady too actually, I only really remember her as the hippy mother in About a Boy. Hmmm. Ok it’s a break now, 16 minutes in and two awards. The ad breaks have me wondering if its all live, I would think it is live, but what do they do in the ad breaks? But while I think about this it comes back on and its been a short break, the likes of which north american TV ordinarily never sees, so I will say yes, its live.
Out comes the fellow who plays Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory, that character is worth watching a TV show for alone, I hope he wins something though I have no idea if he is nominated, he probably isn’t. him and someone else are presenting best actor or maybe supporting actor in a TV show. John Lithgow gets it from under Ari Gold and Ben Linus. Its best actor in a TV series or TV movie I think actually. Michael C Hall must be ill, he is shown in the audience here, it appears Lithgow is in Dexter now. Im so far behind with that, I have only seen series one before STV basically humped it and never showed series 2 and it appeared on ITV4 but wasn’t advertised. I will catch up but probably with a boxset, which disappoints.
Paul McCartney (is he knighted? Should I have Sir in there, I should just have written Macca) cracks a terrific joke I think about how he is now known as that guy from rock band. That’s a funny joke I think. He is out presenting best animated flick and whats going through my mind is the frog chorus for some reason
This award has clips, yeah! Up wins which is kind of predictable. I have no doubts that its awesome but Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs looks interesting and maybe a film like that winning would make others think that maybe Pixar hasn’t got it sewn up and cool stuff like that might get made. I actually like Bolt! but it came out the year before in the US and last year just in the UK and probably isn’t able to qualify. Plus others might think its shite. It has just occurred to me that I think Mo’Nique is the only winner to thank god, that’s kind of refreshing. If its true that is. Anyways its another break, I hope Ricky Gervais makes another appearance when it comes back, seems a waste to have a host that doesn’t feature much.
As it comes back the kind of pan around the room and it makes me think it looks a little like the Lakeside where the BBC’s darts is held every new year. It just doesn’t really look that fancy, its just a big room with big tables, I am not even sure if the tables are for films or TV shows to sit together. I would guess it is but what if you straddle two nominees? What a decision to make, I guess I would pick the one that’s expected to win the most, glory hunting if you will.
So what happened next is this, I am taking notes using my mobile phone, however midway through this note my phone went on the blink ad the note wiped so for 15 minutes my extensive musing are gone. So I will try fill in some details from memory. Michael C hall wins for Dexter in the best actor in TV drama category, no mention of the fact he is wearing a hat on the commentary, I just I don’t remember hearing he was unwell. Regardless, get well soon and well done on the win tonight. Ok best actress in the same category goes to Julianna Margulies for a show I haven’t even heard of. This show she is apparently great in is exec produced by the Scott Bros (Ridley and Tony) so it must have some merit. Other things that happened in this missing link were Kate Hudson came out and showcased a clip of 9 which is in the running for best film in a comedy or musical. Is she still with A-rod I ponder. I don’t really like him.
Meryl Streep makes a speech for winning an award, Best Actress in a comedy/musical maybe? I am trying my best to keep up with all the categories and it’s a break again. A chance to breath. Before every break mostly Avatar is mention for the viewer to tune in and see if it wins for whatever award its up for. Why is it only that film is being mentioned ad nauseam? Is ita link between nbc and the studio. Keeps me in mind of when movie stars like Ben Stiller were on Conan on the same channel promoting the film the week before it came out and they weren’t even in it, it was supposed to be funny, I found it weird.
But back to the Globes, were 71 minutes in and Helen Mirren is presenting Precious to the audience for the best film award its up for, sneaking suspicion its not comedy/musical. The camera shows the representatives of that filma nd I have to say the director of the film has the best facial hair at the awards by some distance.

Sam Worthington and the blue girl from Avatar are presenting best actor in a TV movie or mini series to Kevin Bacon for whatever it is he was in, because guess what? I haven’t seen it. Drew Barrymore wins the female version of the same award and waffles a speech. Anna Paquin however ahs a revealing low cut top on. Which by the power of the internet I should be able to show below

Its just mentioned where the awards are held. The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills. I have never been so cant really pass comment. My dad has been to where the Oscars ate held though. He claims its in a shopping mall. Might well be. Cameron Diaz intro’s a clip for the other Meryl Streep film that’s award nom worthy, the one where she is having an affair with her ex husband, its name escapes me. I should have a catch up of whats happened so far but it all moves so fast. Gerard Butler is now out with Jen Aniston who out of a lot of smoking ladies on show is by far the smokingest tonight, wow. They give the best screenplay to Up in the Air writer and director Jason Reitman who in his speech says that Quentin should have won, I have seen Inglourious Basterds and Up in the Air and though I liked Tarantino’s film and the script rocked, I think the right one won regardless of what Reitman says. His speech is actually a little soppy and leads me to wonder what I would do if I won. I would no doubt be like I am when im drunk and Scotland win or Killie win and I call everyone brother because of the shared experience of it all, no doubt it would be embarrassing for all.
Mr Demi Moore and Mrs Ben Affleck (a wee curveball to keep you awake) award best actor in tv comedy or whatever to Alec Baldwin for 40 Rock and he isn’t there, the first not to be present to pick up his award, there is no live to video of him or anything, rather Kutcher (Mr Demi Moore) picks it up for him, which seems a bit disappointing. couldn’t one of his brothers came in his place, in fact isn’t one of his brothers on celeb Big Brother? You think they discuss such things when they talk? Like would Alec tell of his filming with Meryl Streep this year and his successful TV show and basically a successful time in his career and he asks his brother and he says he slept in the same room as fallen rap star Sisqo and the Basshunter, plus the guy that shagged Jordan years ago. I hope they do talk like that. I wonder what the situation is with getting your award after the event, is it mailed? At this point you know what it is so do you open it or do you just leave it in the box after signing for it and stick it in the ikea unit at your front door that the house phone sits on? Hmmm, that’s something to ponder.
After the break Sam L Jackson appears to line up Inglorious Basterds and is announced as Nick Fury which is cool. Im sure Jackson actually does the voice over for that film. Am I right? Following the Basterds clip he introduces Sofia Loren who has the entire audience on its feet to clap her. It is cliché to say she looks good for her age so I will simply say her glasses are lovely. She is presenting best foreign film and it goes to the German film White Ribbon.
Ok best drama series now and Mad Men wins, I am particularly happy about this as I actually watch this show. John Hamm has a stunning beard I se as he appears on the stage as does the weasly Peter character from the show. He doesn’t actually look so weasly in real life, its that kind of acting then that wins awards! Christine Hendricks is also up on the stage, I mean the whole cast is, she rocks my socks I have to say.
I am thinking that no one is visibly drunk yet, though I may not know how to spot a drunken Hollywood celeb. One would like to think that the casts of some of these shows meet at one cast members house beforehand to drink a carryout so they are half stewed in preparation of the night ahead. It makes sense that they would do this. Though its probably free booze at this bash so maybe that negates the need for a carryout session.
I just missed five minutes while I attended to another matter, I come back and the German chap who is so excellent in his role as the eager Nazi in Inglorious Basterds is winning the awards for best supporting actor. A splendid choice I say regardless of who he was up against, he was pretty damn awesome. Its another break now and the announcer is telling me that Robert De Niro and Leo Di Caprio are coming up to honour Martin Scorsese with the Cecil B. DeMille award. I hope there is a montage of clips from his classics in amongst this, those types of montages are great. The show returns from the break and there they are, Marty’s two boys. They each say there piece and then there is the mantage, its immense, I instantly feel the urge to go through the Scorsese canon right here and now. His speech itself is great, a humble man who knows his stuff when it comes to film. Thanks to you tube, here is that segment from Bobby D and Leo’s arrival to the end of Marty’s speech. TV gold I think.
Another break and it returns with Jodie Foster presenting the clip from the Hurt Locker. After that Gervais returns claiming to be boozed up and beer in hand, but its only to set up a great Mel Gibson gag as he is coming out next to give out an award. He takes it in good humour the ol Jew hating drunk that he is! Ha! Gibson is presenting best director and the winner is…..James Cameron. Does that mean Avatar automatically wins best film? Oh I hope not. James Cameron has some really bad hair right now I should mention.

Also Jason Reitman looks gutted to have lost as well, I actually like that though, looks like he really wanted to win. Moving on with the awards, Jack Bauer is presenting best tv comedy, I hope for entourage to win. Its Glee though. Fuck!
The Glee disappointment is followed by another break but not before avatar gets another wee plug. After the break the guys from The Hangover present a clip for The Hangover funnily enough as its in the running for best comedy/musical I think. I hope that wins, I loved The Hangover, such a good movie. Actually, the next award being given out is that very category and The Hangover wins. Well that’s just excellent, a worthy winner I say, nice when something quite edgy wins I think. The Governor of California is here and he is showing the clip from AVATAR! He also cracks a nice NBC joke which are always nice in these Tonight Show war times.
Moving on as I smell the end, Mickey Rourke hands out best actress in a drama to Sandra Bullock, Rourke looks pretty awesome by the way and Sally Hawkins, whom I don’t actually know, gives Robert Downey Junior best actor gong (comedy/musical) for Sherlock Holmes over Matt Damon for The Informant! Two points about that, first the mysterious Sally Hawkins is wearing what looks like a Airdrieonians away strip with a diamond on the front and secondly I am so unimpressed by the fact Damon never won. I have said in this very blog that I was tipping Damon for award glory and to see him lose isn’t nice. Though Downey Jnr is a class act and his speech is the best of the night which makes up for it.
Ok here we are at the final stretch. Clooney is beaten out by Jeff Bridges in best actor, shame for clooney who was great in Up in the Air but smashing for Bridges who is excellent in everything really and I think I might be correct in thinking this is his first award. Its nice, his speech is rather good too.
Last of all best film. The nominees? Avatar, The Hurt Locker, Up in the Air (please let it win) Inglourious Basterds. The winner is….Bloody Avatar. Balls.
So that’s it, that’s my first experience watching The Golden Globes, it was odd. Really wasn’t as glamorous as I had hoped and seemed kind of dry. I mean the awards shows I generally watch are the British Comedy Awards and the Brits. The brits has music which breaks things up and the comedy awards is manic chaos (though nothing like what it used to be) and it has clips. The Globes was more bang bang bang with the awards I felt. Also the pans round the crowd shoed the great and the good in Hollywood and there is so many faces I didn’t know. Must be all the husbands and wives. All in all the three hours didn’t seem wasted at all, it passed quite quickly. Bring on the Oscars!
For a full list of who won what since my account may not be worth much click here.
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