This may be the funniest thing I've read in a long time, a Twilight fan emails Universal to register her disgust at the studio's portrayal of a werewolf in their horror remake The Wolf Man.*
That's right, the studio who first brought the age-old shape shifting lycanthrope myth the silver screen are being accused of ripping off Twilight. You see in this version of reality, that probably exists in more than just this Twilight fan's mind, Stephanie Meyer created werewolves and the studio have done her vision a great dis-service by choosing to remake the sexy, Taylor Lautner-like puppy dogs as mutant hell-beasts that can "ridiculously" be killed by silver bullets. Those bastards!
And how dare Universal give werewolves a bad name! What next, a vampire film that shows them to be evil creatures who feast on the blood of the innocent, use their sexual prowess to woo busty maidens and explode in sunlight? As we all know they sparkle, invite you 'round for dinner and generally brood in a corner of your room while you sleep.
*Thanks to Joshway for posting the link to this on his Twitter. Follow him, for he knows werewolves should have killer abs.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
1 comment:
i know a guy who officially gets his name changed to lycan in march.
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