As Red posted this week Oscar noms are out and here is a look closer at the main catagories, help you work out your choices for your pool.
Jeff Bridges has picked up awards already and could be a shoe in for Oscar glory too, heres an article on the Dude.
Snubbed by the Oscars was Watchmen shamefully, but no matter a sequel is in the offing it would seem. I havent read the graphic novel, though i am sure Red has, but im sure the film tied up the story that was in it. Will they make up something new? Is this sacrelidge?
Coen favourite and by extension I would say Splice favourite Steve Buscemi is getting a rare leading role this year in Saint John of Las Vegas. Read all about it here.
Have you ever seen Man on the Moon with Jim Carrey about And Kaufman? Remember Tony Clifton? read on for your entertainment.
and Sports movies, dont you just love them? Here is a look at the must haves when making a good one.
I have just discovered that there is something called red band trailers and that there is loads of them over the years. Its just a trailer for a movie with usually some swearing and they are awesome. could fill up here with loads from down memory lane but instead here is the red band trailers of trailers o posted a few weeks ago. Cop out and Kick Ass, Cop Out looks much better with some cursing thrown in. Also a further red bander in She's Out Of My League which i think looks ok.
First episode in final series of Lost (if anyone reads this and has some theories please post them in the comments, cos i am stumped mostly)
Dont Mess With The Zohan
Eastern Promises
Cool Runnings
Junior (not the Arnie pregnant nonsense from years ago rather a Canadian doco about junior hokcey team in the Quebec league. Really interesting.
Red here. Check this wee interview with Armando Iannucci about In The Loop being the sweariest film ever to be Oscar nominated.
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