A good blog that I think I agree with 100% about good ol Michael Moore.
A fantastic bit of news about Fox picking up the next great sci fi franchise. I actually know a bit about it already as i have read the first two books which are pretty damn awesome, done right this will be awesome. Its written by a guy called John Twelve Hawks who i dont think anyone knows anything about and its ace.
Other great shit is that The Farrelly Brothers are making a new film, was talking about Kingpin a fair bit last few weeks for no apparent reason so this is a timely cracking surprise.
An interesting article on new PS3 game Heavy rain and its potential implications on TV and Film.
I once met Roger Eberts wife, I never knew it was his wife, someone else told me, I knew who Roger Ebert was, I found out that he was a film critic and he used to be on the TV, after reading this though i now know more, wow.
The new Nightmare on Elm Street which i will most likely never see (though Red probably will) and Green Zone which really should have featured on her earlier.
Becket (Peter Glenville, 1964, UK)
Beowulf (Robert Zemeckis, 2007, US)
Failure to Launch (Tom Dey, 2006, US)
Funny People (Judd Apatow, 2009, US)
Becket is hands down one of the best films I have seen, maybe ever, really quite funny, and Peter O'Toole is my new hero. Beowulf is weird, Failure to Launch succeeds for me i guess because Matthew Maconoughey isnt Paul Rudd, and Funny People as suspected is better second time round.
The Wire Series 5 which a was magnificent end to a magnificent show.
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