Who knew Pixar trailers had so much in built detail in them for us folks watching. Read this to find out all the little treats for the eagle eyed.
News is coming out that Superman is getting Chris Nolan onboard for a reboot (film word of the decade) and that Batman 3 seems like go, does this just get the Justice League mongerers salivating though?
new muppet movie? Featuring the writing talent from Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Sounds good?
Here is a blog about the poor state of posters, and the UK Whip It poster in particular. Keeps me in mind of The Informant! poster, which readers may know, I bang on about quite a bit.
Bill Murray says he will be in Ghostbusters 3.
Want to see how the weather in your hometown on any given day measures up to a particular planet in the Star Wars universe? Look no further.
Now is a free paper distributed in Toronto every week, this week there is a nice article about how telly is better than films these days, it has a point I guess.
and finally, this is not exactly film based but no doubt it will be in the next few years!
Comic book writer Mark Millar is auctioning off the name of his villain for his new book, if I had the dosh then Ruud Kerouac would be getting bidded up. A villains’ name if ever there was one.
Lots of new trailers went live thsi week, Get Him To The Greek up first and it looks awesome, surely a redband (love the redband) trailer will appear soon. Below that is The Killers which might be a pretty good date movie, romance and guns? then there is M. Night's return with a live action version of a cartoon called Avatar which now cant be called Avatar and so goes by its sub-title The Last Airbender which just means that the word bender is in your head while watching. Finally we have Toy Story 3 which is dissected in a link above. if the trailer link works that is.
Yes Man (2008, US) Not as good as the book.
The Ladykillers (1955, UK) Excellent.
Read the graphic novel of the Wolverine: The End series of comics. Not as good as Origins i think.
So that's a big fat zero about Valentines Day then? figures.
Awrite muckers, Red here and I'm ignoring Love Day as well. The films about it are shite, and not just the mushy yins that the ladies like. The horror films based around it are shite as well. So let's ignore it and look at what else is happening this week, that's right, Pancake Day:
Ah Pingu I'll never outgrow you.
Oh aye and it's also Chinese New Year which means I won't be getting my weekly takeout for dinner for the next fortnight. Ah well I'll just have to watch some Chinese films to make up for it.
I'm recommending you check out the movies of Zhang Yimou, who'll you'll know as the director of Hero. But before he went all kung-fu he made some absolutely gorgeous dramas about Chinese life. Trust me that isn't as boring as it sounds. Some of the films are a bit difficult to get a hold of but Red Sorghum and The Road Home are highly recommended.
The finest of his films though is the epic, funny and tragic To Live. Seriously hunt this down, it's one of the best films of the 90's.
is it such a good 90s film it may go on to feature in the much maligned 90s series on Splice?
cany believe i forgot all about Chinese new year. disgraceful.
we could have had a right gid Chinese new yr style advent calendar as well too. i think if this blog does anything well it has to be its advent calendars.
also, what you make of my proper grown up year and country of origin in brackets bits when mentioning films. classy eh? think it should be the industry standard.
in fact it probably is, they probably mention the director too. balls.
well it should be this websites new standard too.
Aye we should get pure academic. Think we've missed Chinese New Year this year but could do something next year.
And yes it is my next film in the Splice list, asI thought it was time to get it going again and I watched all the Coens not long back as well.
Oh aye and re-watching Up's made me want to go watch all the Pixar's again.
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