Not too much this week due to time constraints. sorry.
A good blog that I think I agree with 100% about good ol Michael Moore.
A fantastic bit of news about Fox picking up the next great sci fi franchise. I actually know a bit about it already as i have read the first two books which are pretty damn awesome, done right this will be awesome. Its written by a guy called John Twelve Hawks who i dont think anyone knows anything about and its ace.
Other great shit is that The Farrelly Brothers are making a new film, was talking about Kingpin a fair bit last few weeks for no apparent reason so this is a timely cracking surprise.
An interesting article on new PS3 game Heavy rain and its potential implications on TV and Film.
I once met Roger Eberts wife, I never knew it was his wife, someone else told me, I knew who Roger Ebert was, I found out that he was a film critic and he used to be on the TV, after reading this though i now know more, wow.
The new Nightmare on Elm Street which i will most likely never see (though Red probably will) and Green Zone which really should have featured on her earlier.
Becket is hands down one of the best films I have seen, maybe ever, really quite funny, and Peter O'Toole is my new hero. Beowulf is weird, Failure to Launch succeeds for me i guess because Matthew Maconoughey isnt Paul Rudd, and Funny People as suspected is better second time round.
The Wire Series 5 which a was magnificent end to a magnificent show.
Suppose I will kick off with my Ivan/Jason Reitman encounter which i mentioned in Part 6 but never explained in any detail.
Well the father and son left almost as soon as the movie ended. As the credits began to roll, they were up, Jason popped his wee wooly hat (called a toque in Canada incidentally for reasons i have yet to find out) on his head and they began making their way toward me in my isle seat.
But i was ready for them, having no stuff really to gather i simply picked up my bag and followed them out the door.
Thats about the gist of my story. I suppose now i have serious angst over my pussy behaviour when in the presense of some sort of celebrity, I should really have made some attempt to touch them, like i should have quickened my pace and maybe came between them touching them both as i came through, maybe apologising in "sorry gents" kind of way. That woudl then be my "who have you touched" entry and i would have the combo touch to fall back on which might have curried favour for a win to be awarded in my favour.
Or should i have called them, "hey Jason, Hey Ivan good to see you guys enjoying a movie. Ghostbusters was really good, Jason i havent seen any of your films yet but i have heard good things, why yes i am scottish and yes i would like a small part in both your upcoming projects, that would be lovely, now can i ask you gents to do me a favour and pose for a photo with me if its not too much trouble"
but i never, god, i never even ran in front of them and whipped out my phone, quickly popping it into camera mode and stealing a quick snap for the event of throwing it up here to validate my story.
All because i am a bit of a pussy and felt, you know, its kinda cool that two filmakers are watching the same film in the same cinema as me, im just gonna be cool and let thm get in their seperate cars and just be glad i saw them. You know?
Anyways, that was yesterday, let me take you now inside the events of day 7.
You know theres not a lot to tell, especially now that it was so long ago, the inner most thoughts of this particular Wednesday morning have frittered away in my mind. Sorry. Actually thats not strictly true, I do still have my day to day whats on when and whether i can squeeze a film in today list which i can share with you. Today is a difficult one as I have to work at night so will only be able to squeeze in a film so long as its done and dusted in time for me to be at my work by five.
So my first pick, The Most Dangerous Man in America is out as it starts at 5.45, thats a shame, it looks like a teriffic subject for a documentary. Its the story of the man who leaked the Pentagon Papers. Also a maybe was the White Stripes rockumentary Under The Great Northern Lights which is a press and industry screening at 2 til 4 which would have been doable. Its the premiere is on Friday and it would be cool to see something before its premiere. But instead i took the opportunity to see another film in the press and industy screening list. Up In The Air. How ironic since i almost met the director and producer the day before.
But the decision not to see The White Stripes film proved even more ironic as part 9 will prove.
Anyway, my shift was due to finish up but since myself and both my library team mates were wishing to see this film we arranged a quick get away at half one so we could make the start of Clooney and co at 1.45. So we stepped out the hotel and hot footed it up to the Carlton cinemas which were a short walk away, almost on Bloor St. Since this isnt exactly my territory I had no idea where we were as we lined up in the rush line for the movie. The rush line, which i hadnt yet used, was for filling up the empty seats once the people who had bought tickets in advance had been seated. No film is actually sold out before hand to allow for these sort of things. Not even the gala premiers i am assured, however those lines are generally huge due to the chance of sitting and watching it in the presence of a star. Maybe enjoying The Road with Viggo for example. So we lined up and were eventually taken. Into a shopping centre. Didnt realise that that was what i was lined up outside as we were around the back of the building. We scooted to the screening room and got our seats which were surprisingly good (i had visions of sitting in the front row gazing up with no chance of taking it all in with only my two insignificant eyes) five or six rows back in to the left. We had missed maybe the first few minutes but it was fine because were in to see one of the recommended films of the festival and were getting to do so using our clout as volunteers with the critics and industry folks, was well cool. When it finished I lost my buddys as i went out a different exit and found myself back in the shopping centre, struggling to get out i finally ended back on the street which i recognised as Bloor and headed for the subway, work was calling and it was telling me i was going to be late. If you have any knowledge of Toronto, I was up on Bloor and needed to be at the rogers Centre in an hour.
So time for a review and lets just jump in feet first. Up In The Air is truely fantastic. Really, a wonderful film. Its a film which seems to be apt for our times (though i read that it was written before our times) as it deals with unemployment as companies make cuts in staff, as well as the issue of lonliness.
It follows George Clooneys character who revels in his solitude, traversing America carrying out his job which is basically to fire people from their jobs on behalf of their employers, and he is brilliant in the role. But then thats no surprise.
He lives his life by the principle of life being like a backpack and the more people you have in the backpack the harder it is to carry it so if you offload people and look after number one things become easier. He is the quintessential loner and so the film follows him as he softens up and allows people in while at the same time his own job is under threat as his jetsetting lifestyle is seem as superfluous as a system of call centre based workers could do it quicker and cheaper.
I dont think my explanation of plot is really selling it. what Ryan, (Clooneys character) does best is to face to face sell you a future where your dreasm can be met as your just dodging along in your soon to be ex job. Its a noble crusade he is on really. When the hot shot young girl (Anna Kendrick) who comes along with an idea which does away with the need for Ryans job thats when he grows as he takes her with him to shows her what he really does. Along the way we meet many others like Ryan, such as Alex (Vera Farmiga) who are just as versed in the world of airports and hired cars and per diems. We also meet Ryan's family and his life as he sees it but on this path Ryan learns from his young travelling partner what he might be missing in his loner life.
Aside from Clooney, all the other performances are fantastic, perfectly weighted. When Clooney lets in people is where this movie takes off and shows the fragility of human beings beautifully, all the character interaction during these scenes is something to behold i think. The music is great, its well cast, it looks good, the poster as you can see in this post is actually very good, well composed i think. It really is just a fantastic film, its funny in parts, very funny in fact but also very poignant. I would say its definately a film which will affect you in some way. it certainly did me. I was genuinely moved to text my girlfriend as i waited on the auditorium emptying so i could leave to tell her I was glad to be with her and happy. If a film can make you do that then its a winner for me. Totally worthy of all its award nominations and in my opinion very unlucky not to have taken more than they already have, hopefully the academy thinks different from the others.
Now having said all that it makes me think of what would have happened if i had seen this film before i saw The Informant! What if i had saw it when it premeired on Saturday and then knowing what i know now would i have shouted at him as i left The Informant! gushing that i loved it and it moved me enough to text message my girlfriend off the back of it? I dont actually think there is much of a what if, i would probably have bottled it.
Well you'll probably already know that it was the BAFTA awards last night and the results threw up a few surprises (some even pleasant).
Well the camera man was either in the know and thought it'd be a giggle to cut to Jimmy Cameron at every possibility or he did what I did and made an ass out of you and me. It seemed Avatar was obviously going to sweep this like all the other big awards shows. But no! In what was either a move to award the more deserving film (out of those nominated) or an attempt to get people talking about that awards that pops up between the Golden Globes and Oscar's big night they went and gave Best Film to Hurt Locker and Best Director to Kathryn Bigelow. Avatar deserves any technical awards it gets but incredible effects a great film does not make so it's good to see something far more worthy win. That said this isn't a Hollywood bash and as such the big money maker isn't necessarily going to get its back slapped until it's red raw. On other words don't be shocked if Avatar still scoops the wee golden man.
Rather more predictable was the awarding of the main acting awards to Brits, although that's not to say they don't deserve awards. Again don't expect this to be a marker of big Oscar night shocks, although some of those would be nice. It was good to see some love for Moon, an outstanding little film that will hopefully find a few more viewers thanks to the BAFTA bump. And great to see Christoph Waltz win Supporting Actor. There may have been many things wrong with Inglourious Basterds but he wasn't one of them turning in a delicious wee turn as an absolute bastard, surely everyone's favourite way to act.
best photo ever below. then a few links and some trailers. something to read ye know?
Had planned on linking to the Kevin Smith is too fat to fly stuff which happened last saturday which i found out about on Monday. i listened to his Podcast to find out what happened, you can too by going here and just go to Smodcast #106. if your in any doubt that you may be in the wrong place, its called Go Fuck Yourself, Southwest Airlines so its pretty self explanitory.
If you listen to that and find you actually care what happened next then just google it, really, every man and his dog has an opinion. I will point you in this direction, which is a article about it which i am assured by fat burd pals that it is well written. Hmmm.
Excellent blog about Hollywood hating redheads. Whether or not its true, what cant be argued is that in regular life redheads are always a instant aye or no. there is no maybes. Nicola from Girls Aloud? no. Christine Hendricks from Mad Men? aye. See what i mean?
In totally holy fook can this be true news, its been reported that Marty Scorsese might remake Taxi Driver with Lars Von Trier. Good grief, I have saw The Idiots and heard about Antichrist, the thought of where this might go is mindboggling.
Tim Burtons latest is due out soon. A Johnny Depp chain of command of his mad characters like the Morgan Freedman one above would be interesting, where would the Mad Hatter fit in? and to link the both here is an article about the evolution of the Alice story which frankly is nuts.
Baftas tonight, will Red give us a beat by beat report ala my Golden Globes effort?
Here are some trailers that appeared on my TV this week, must be out in next few weeks over in US, dunno whether that means they are a bit away from UK release or not, nowadays there sometimes is no difference. first up Brooklyns Finest which is directed by Antoine Fuqua who did Training Day which instantly got me excited about this then i checked back and Training Day was 2001, he has done some stuff i have never fancied seeing since then. Regardless, this looks good. Then there is the Jennifer Aniston/Gerard Butler love vehicle The Bounty Hunter which is sort of like Midnight Run i guess and finally Defendor which was shown and picked up at TIFF last year which i sometimes mention i was at. Woody Harrleson plays a reluctant superhero in this Canadian film which was filmed in Hamilton which i was in a few weeks ago, it was dark though, i dont really know much about it. Casey Jones from the Turtles is in it too.
First time seen all those, Fahrenheit is alright, White Palms is an excellent sports film, Balls of Fury isn't and Ashes and Diamonds came in a box which said Arthouse Essentials whichj probably should have put me off but I am glad it didnt.
finished that Fake! book too. It would make a right good film i think.
That's right, the studio who first brought the age-old shape shifting lycanthrope myth the silver screen are being accused of ripping off Twilight. You see in this version of reality, that probably exists in more than just this Twilight fan's mind, Stephanie Meyer created werewolves and the studio have done her vision a great dis-service by choosing to remake the sexy, Taylor Lautner-like puppy dogs as mutant hell-beasts that can "ridiculously" be killed by silver bullets. Those bastards!
And how dare Universal give werewolves a bad name! What next, a vampire film that shows them to be evil creatures who feast on the blood of the innocent, use their sexual prowess to woo busty maidens and explode in sunlight? As we all know they sparkle, invite you 'round for dinner and generally brood in a corner of your room while you sleep.
*Thanks to Joshway for posting the link to this on his Twitter. Follow him, for he knows werewolves should have killer abs.
Thankfully after what can only be described as a painful lay-off for fans of Cinematic Titanic the releases have started flowing again. Following the bloody brilliant East Meets Watts we're getting another live one, Alien Factor. From the looks of the above trailer and reports from those lucky enough to see them in person doing this this should be another winner. And even better, it's out next week!
Valentines Day links and trailers (mostly trailers today actually) that will no doubt have nothing to do with Valentines Day.
Who knew Pixar trailers had so much in built detail in them for us folks watching. Read this to find out all the little treats for the eagle eyed.
News is coming out that Superman is getting Chris Nolan onboard for a reboot (film word of the decade) and that Batman 3 seems like go, does this just get the Justice League mongerers salivating though?
new muppet movie? Featuring the writing talent from Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Sounds good? Here is a blog about the poor state of posters, and the UK Whip It poster in particular. Keeps me in mind of The Informant! poster, which readers may know, I bang on about quite a bit.
Want to see how the weather in your hometown on any given day measures up to a particular planet in the Star Wars universe? Look no further.
Now is a free paper distributed in Toronto every week, this week there is a nice article about how telly is better than films these days, it has a point I guess.
and finally, this is not exactly film based but no doubt it will be in the next few years!
Comic book writer Mark Millar is auctioning off the name of his villain for his new book, if I had the dosh then Ruud Kerouac would be getting bidded up. A villains’ name if ever there was one.
Lots of new trailers went live thsi week, Get Him To The Greek up first and it looks awesome, surely a redband (love the redband) trailer will appear soon. Below that is The Killers which might be a pretty good date movie, romance and guns? then there is M. Night's return with a live action version of a cartoon called Avatar which now cant be called Avatar and so goes by its sub-title The Last Airbender which just means that the word bender is in your head while watching. Finally we have Toy Story 3 which is dissected in a link above. if the trailer link works that is.
Read the graphic novel of the Wolverine: The End series of comics. Not as good as Origins i think.
So that's a big fat zero about Valentines Day then? figures.
Awrite muckers, Red here and I'm ignoring Love Day as well. The films about it are shite, and not just the mushy yins that the ladies like. The horror films based around it are shite as well. So let's ignore it and look at what else is happening this week, that's right, Pancake Day:
Ah Pingu I'll never outgrow you.
Oh aye and it's also Chinese New Year which means I won't be getting my weekly takeout for dinner for the next fortnight. Ah well I'll just have to watch some Chinese films to make up for it.
I'm recommending you check out the movies of Zhang Yimou, who'll you'll know as the director of Hero. But before he went all kung-fu he made some absolutely gorgeous dramas about Chinese life. Trust me that isn't as boring as it sounds. Some of the films are a bit difficult to get a hold of but Red Sorghum and The Road Home are highly recommended.
The finest of his films though is the epic, funny and tragic To Live. Seriously hunt this down, it's one of the best films of the 90's.
Welcome to another year in review by my good self. Like last year, this is far more involved that it would have been if I had actually review films at the time. Last years lesson was not learnt. Enjoy regardless.
Role Models Jane Lynch does my head in and could have easily ruined this for me. However this is a decent comedy film. Actually its quite hilarious, so I wont let her. Now lets see, the four man lead men are cracking, the two adults are funny and the kids are hilarious. Oh and I look like Christopher Mintz-Plasse in his Kiss make up at the end. it’s a harsh reality I am dealing with right now. I get called McLovin quite a lot which technically isn’t right but arguing over that small point seems futile.
(8) Slumdog Millionaire Worthy winner of all it won, what a cracking movie, I remember way back when it was released a film fan friend of mine said as soon as he had seen it that it was the best film he had ever seen, dunno really if he still stand by that, but as soon as the credits roll the first time you see it, you can be forgiven for that being the first thought to enter your head. Beautiful to look at, great performances, funny but also harrowing in parts.
(3) The Wrestler There are so many nice wee details in this, such as his own wresting figure, the old NES computer game and the insight into his cutting, however the one I loved the best was when he started his new job on the meat counter in the supermarket and the noise of the crowd grew as he made his way from the (supermarket) locker-room to his place of business (hairnet et al) it made me smile. See its such an interesting topic for a man of my age and status and it really is a good film. Mickey Rourke is fantastic in his role and really should have bagged an Oscar to go with his Golden Globe. But it wasn’t to be.
Rachel Getting Married A difficult watch, I think I have been watching too many bigger budget films that this films indie sensibilities kind of jars. But as it moves on I found it quite affecting and I instantly jumped on line when I got home to look up this film to find out some theories on some unanswered (for me) aspects of the film. The music is good and some of the funnier moments had me laughing out loud though in no way is it a comedy.
Revolutionary Road Another difficult watch, the reason being that the two main characters are so unappealing. Neither one has anything for you to cling onto and follow through. They are both so unlikeable. I wished neither any real happiness as I went through watching it. It is a nice film to look at however. Very Mad Men.
Bolt Some excellent sight gags. Actually some really really excellent sight gags. A good movie for kids which I enjoyed immensely. All the characters are good and none are particularly annoying which is very impressive. The hamster is awesome.
Push Well is this not a decent low budget (in comparison to others in the genre) superhero flick. Set in Hong Kong it was always gonna be a winner for me but the premise behind it is great, super powered superheroes, government spooks, potential superhero armies. Well written, nice set up. Chris Evans is good, Dakota Fanning is good. Hope this gets sequels because as a setting up original it shows great promise.
(4) Watchmen So this seems like it is the natural amalgamation of the superhero comic book adaptation world. With the costumes it seems like Christopher Reeve in Superman and with the dark storylines it seems like Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight. But the big swinging blue dongs? that’s certainly new. This was a genuine joy to see at the cinema (12 foot dongs aside) and everything about it felt good, it was really well done. The music too was fantastic. Alan Moore has had his stuff shat on a fair bit but this one was done well.
He’s Just Not That Into You Trash, I just don’t know what his is supposed to be. So many funny folk in it form funny films and tv shows and they are just simpering messes. Is this supposed to be a comedy or maybe something else, a drama maybe? But its not very dramatic. Only if you are mad would you (want to) associate yourself with anyone in this. Scarlett Johansson’s chest is awesome though. Woo!
Big fat nothing this month.
Fast and Furious Do you know what? I actually liked this a fair bit. It was good to look at and never taxed my mind too much. Sometimes that’s all a viewer needs. I still don’t understand why they billed it as the return of the original four though. Paul Walker and Vin Diesel yes, the two burds? Er, no. Happily I am not wasting anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it by saying that their input is brushed aside promptly and the muscle-bound gear-head homo-erotica is brought front and centre and stays there till the credits roll.
I Love You, Man I’m not too sure about this Paul Rudd chap. Some think he is poised to take over comedy flicks in the leading man spot but not me. He is good and all but at no point do I think to myself, I wanna be like Paul Rudd in that film, take this for example, I know he plays the friendless character well but I just don’t get that feeling, that bromantic feeling I think is essential for a guy to feel about his leading man. Am I making sense? Is that a fair point. I might look further into that point this year actually, guys need to secretly fancy the leading man to connect fully! I think I have hit upon something here. Anyway, decent film apart from me fancying the lead guy (this is taking a weird direction) however Jason Seigel is awesome.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine I read the comic books before seeing this which is not something I usually do but I never knew that this is what its based on. Actually its not, the pre credits are based on it but even then its kind of wrong. No matter, they set up the film which is fine. However the film is a bit of a mess. Wolverine is such a great character its good that he got this film and it sets up a sequel well (Japanese samurai story please) but its so all over the place as a film in its own right. A lot of characters are introduced but not enough are expanded. The Deadpool character was talked up then let down. The other mutants only get slim pickings, there seems to be too many thrown in but not enough with a real purpose. But the action was good. I didn’t like the claws, they looked to fake I thought, a small aesthetic bone to pick. It could have been better, the sequel I have high hopes for. Oh and Liev Schrieber was fantastic in it, as he is a lot of things though he made the most out of it because his character was almost sidelined too much too.
(2) Star Trek I have never really been a Star Trek fan, my mate Stewart was, and still is I guess, I used to point and laugh at him and his trekker status. Now I haven’t changed my mind and now find myself ready to start watching all the series of the different crews and all that, however like him now, I do look forward immensely to the follow up to the new rebooted film. Because JJ Abrams version of events is simply brilliant! It reminds me of a kind of Oceans 11 in space, getting the gang altogether, those sort of films are always enjoyable, but it was the way it folded the history of the characters we all know into this new reboot. Its done so deftly in a time travelling style which is ingenious but also quite easy to follow. It also caters for those who aren’t as immersed in the Trek lore as others. I mean I am sure there are subtle things for the big fans but for me, (a man who knows that there is a guy called spock who has pointy ears, the captain is James T Kirk and there is a Russian somewhere, a doctor called Bones and Scotty who has a Scottish accent and does the beam up) the way they are all introduced is informative and the familiar stock lines of “I’m a doctor Jim” and Scotty mentions Dilithium chambers and such are actually really funny. Its so well cast, its so well directed, its great fun, I loved it. Star Trek 2 as soon as possible please.
Fighting This was more than a little rubbish, a crap story about a street fighter who after beating up a couple of halfwits gets taken on as a paid underworld street fighter for big bucks. He gets interested in some girl who surely cant be interested in him back cos he can hardly talk, but does, but she has something to do with his booker/mentor then they get offered even bigger bucks for a fight, he has dad issues and Ternece Howard has a really weird accent throughout. Its just a bit of a mess.
(10) Synedoche, New York I just don’t think I am clever enough to know exactly what a Charlie Kaufman film is all about but that doesn’t stop me enjoying it. Turns out this is all about a disease or something and that there is all sorts of clues to follow that particular theme through it that are completely obtuse to me. Clues like Hoffman’s characters name I have learned since is actually the diseases name. But as I say, I liked this and there is lots to like, curious oddities such as a woman who lives in a house that is burning down to the actually crux of the story of a theatre director trying to produce his masterpiece which is a slice of real life in a full scale version of New York built inside a warehouse hold your interest. This is definitely a film that will improve over repeat viewings as more and more things coem to the fore that maybe didn’t before.
Last Chance Harvey A love story for older folks but one that can probably resonate with lots of younger people too, separated families being a common occurrence these days. Also plays on aspects of loneliness which we all feel from time to time. A nice film.
(1) The Hangover Funniest film of the year and also the best film of the year. If you have ever been on a stag party abroad or wherever this is just a totally exaggerated but still quite real depiction of the weird madness that (in my experience) seems to happen and to make a riotous comedy film of that makes sense. Also it was interesting to see a comedy work so well as a whodunnit. The lead actors hold it together brilliantly with a special mention to Bradley Cooper who I thought was irritating as anything in The Wedding Crashers but in this is super cool and actually fulfils the remit I mentioned in the I Love You, Man bit abover where the bromance is there. You definitely want to be him and if you cant then you would like to be his pal. Las Vegas as a locale was also an eye opener, maybe I am naïve but in my mind it was always the gambling that I focused on, the party aspect though is now on my radar. Must visit it soon. There really is so many funny quips and scenes, and its good to see progression from directors whose work was good before but seems to have got better. Looking forward to a repeat viewing.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Oh man. The swinging balls on one of the Decepticons in this film were the same as the swinging through the jungle with the monkeys scene from last years Indy. IE the scenes that kinda ruined it for me. I was willing to overlook the crap plot and everything as it was cool to look at and a real popcorn munching blockbuster. I really was. But the balls just made me think why? Why did he put them in? so stupid. Hopefully the third one is better.
The Proposal In Canada this film was promoted pretty heavily as a Canadian playing an American (Reynolds) and an American playing a Canadian (Bullock) and the romantic tomfoolery that ensues. I think they did this because the product actually is a bit pants. Its not bad but not particularly good either. The leading pairs chemistry is kinda rubbish but Betty White is funny, she was a Golden Girl many years ago, I used to watch that. But as I say a film that promotes itself on the odd casting seems doomed to begin with.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Having read all the books so know how the story ends but these films are getting better and better as we move the story on. Yes there is loads cut from the book but as a film it moves so so well. The final double biller should be fantastic.
The Ugly Truth Its so good to get a romantic comedy with a manly man in it for a change. This film is surprising. It comes across in trailers as a basic rom com with maybe a little bite. But in truth its foul mouthed and dirty. Its also very very funny. Gerard Butler does a decent American accent and Katherine Heigl would get it big style. Sure the romance stuff is spotted a mile off but its done in a good way. Swearing is funny.
Funny People Disappointed is how best to describe my reaction to Judd Apatow’s return to directing. Thing is, its not really just down to the film, which I am sure on repeat viewing would stand up better and better every viewing. Its how it was packaged. It was packaged as a laugh fest with comedy gods galore on show, Sandler, Rogen, Hill? But what it is is a comedy drama about Funny People not the riotous comedy expected. Which is fine but I was all set for certain something and got something completely different and it jarred me. Also the romantic parts suck.
(7) Inglourious Basterds It’s a film that surprises is this, its like if you filmed absolutely everything in real time over the course of the narrative time, you could have made a film out of the Nazi hunting etc but Tarantino has made a film out of the other half if that makes sense. The thing I don’t get about this is how I really feel about it, I am still torn between thinking I am upset I was duped into thinking it would be a film about a gang seeking out Nazis to kill when really there was very little of that aspect in it and it was more about a plot to take out the main folks in the Nazi party or am I happy and pleasantly surprised about it. Now a new Tarantino film is always going to pique this movie watchers interest, and this was no different, like Death Proof some scenes are simply stretched out too long but I definitely enjoyed it. Good that he has got it off his chest, and some great characters in this proves that Quentin still has it in his locker, Christopher Waltz’ Jew Hunter is amazing, Brad Pitt’s Aldo is funny and his hayseed eyetalian accent in it had me in stitches. Good but not the amazing thing I expected, or rather wanted.
Julie and Julia There is great irony in a guy who blogs about films cos he loves them shitting over a film about a girl who blogs about cooking because she loves it. So I wont, because its actually pretty enjoyable. don’t watch it if your in any way hungry though or you will chew your hand or arms or the corner of your chair as the food looks great.
(9) Away We Go This is a film about a young (ish, they are in their early 30s) couple looking for their place in the world as they expect the arrival of their new baby. So it resonates with me (apart from the baby bit). There is also a scene where Verona asks her partner Burt “are we fuck ups?” He says no, she tells him she thinks they are because they don’t have the basic stuff figured out, he asks “basic like how?” she reminds them that they have a cardboard window. He reassures her that they arent fuck ups, she protests, and he reassures her We’re not fuck ups” this scene resonates with me just as much. I really liked this, its Sam Mendes second film out this year and by miles his best.
The Soloist Joe Wrights film has been, cruelly in my eyes, sidelined in the Oscar nom’s this year. It seems to tick all the boxes, Robert Downey Jnr, check. True story, check. Mental instability, check. But no, pretty much nothing. Which is a shame because its really rather good.
Couples Retreat I really really liked this. However forgive me while I now rip it to shreds for the following reasons. 1. The 4 couples seen to have nothing in common. The don’t seem to be couples who hang out a lot. 2. The guys in particular don’t have that guy chemistry you want (a few Vaughn/Favreau scenes apart). 3. The black couple offer nothing. 4. Whys is Jason Bateman and Kristen Bell together, surely there is a HUGE age difference. 5. What’s with the Guitar Hero scene shoehorned in! But apart from all that I still really enjoyed watching it just this stuff never made any sense. Its pretty funny in parts, even the Vince Vaughn loud moments and Malin Ackerman is kind of awesome. In fact I think having caught this film this year I now have the full set of Ackerman’s 2009 movie output in my watched list. Is that cool?
Ong Bak 2 Bonkers, completely bonkers. I haven’t seen the original but gave it a whirl. Was assured I need not have seen it anyway. It, I think, is supposed to be a prequel anyway and now I think I can go see Ong Bak and understand it. I fully expect that not to be the case. This is just excellent fighting which involves hand to hand and weapons. Oh and elephants. The fighting scenes which utilise the elephants are to be beheld as the best elephant scenes committed to film since maybe Dumbo. The film is bananas. Tony Jaa I salute you.
Toy Story 1 & 2 3D Nice to see at the cinema since I only ever saw these movies on VHS no less! The films are terrific as we all know. The 3D stuff I am not so sure on. Just don’t get the point of it. If you notice the 3D then the film hasn’t got your attention and if you don’t notice it then whats the point? I had my 3D glasses on for the three hours and many times I had to check that there was some 3D effects going on because Buzz and Woody and the gang had me hooked in.
November (6) Harry Brown A British thriller set in urban area with Michael Caine as a vigilante pensioner, its terrific. Read my review of it (yes I have actually done one this year!)
(5) The Informant! Fantastic film from one of my favourite directors, Steven Soderburgh. It is also my opinion that Matt Damon should be everyones favourite actor because his acting chops in this is simply another string to a bow covered in loads and loads of strings. (worst analogy ever) anyway, read my review of this one too if you haven’t already.
Oddly like last year I draw a complete blank in December, must be too busy or something. Wanted to see Avatar but only out of curiosity rather than necessity. Sure I will see it this year, it’s a big screen movie for definite.
I should also add that I have seen a fair few other films that didn’t (and may well never) get UK releases. Fanboys, Waking Sleeping Beauty, Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel , Perriers Bounty, Argentinean Oscar hopeful The Secret in their Eyes, the Scottish filmed Viking film: Valhalla Rising, Hong Kong’s newest gangster piece Accident, the Belgian lunacy of A Town Called Panic and The White Stripes documentary of their tour of Canada: Under the Great Northern Lights. Any that come out in 2010 will feature next year. Oh and Up in the Air which will definitely be out in 2010, in fact it probably already is.
Which brings us to…..
The Top Ten in order.
1. The Hangover 2. Star Trek 3. The Wrestler 4. Watchmen 5. The Informant! 6. Harry Brown 7. Inglourious Barsterds 8. Slumdog Millionaire 9. Away We Go 10. Synedoche, New York
Here is some more links to some articles and other such stuffs online (trailers or such like) that tickled our movie fancy this week and are perfect fodder for a lazy Sunday in front of the computer. Enjoy.
As Red posted this week Oscar noms are out and here is a look closer at the main catagories, help you work out your choices for your pool.
Jeff Bridges has picked up awards already and could be a shoe in for Oscar glory too, heres an article on the Dude.
Snubbed by the Oscars was Watchmen shamefully, but no matter a sequel is in the offing it would seem. I havent read the graphic novel, though i am sure Red has, but im sure the film tied up the story that was in it. Will they make up something new? Is this sacrelidge?
Coen favourite and by extension I would say Splice favourite Steve Buscemi is getting a rare leading role this year in Saint John of Las Vegas. Read all about it here.
Have you ever seen Man on the Moon with Jim Carrey about And Kaufman? Remember Tony Clifton? read on for your entertainment.
and Sports movies, dont you just love them? Here is a look at the must haves when making a good one.
I have just discovered that there is something called red band trailers and that there is loads of them over the years. Its just a trailer for a movie with usually some swearing and they are awesome. could fill up here with loads from down memory lane but instead here is the red band trailers of trailers o posted a few weeks ago. Cop out and Kick Ass, Cop Out looks much better with some cursing thrown in. Also a further red bander in She's Out Of My League which i think looks ok.
First episode in final series of Lost (if anyone reads this and has some theories please post them in the comments, cos i am stumped mostly) Dont Mess With The Zohan Eastern Promises Cool Runnings Junior (not the Arnie pregnant nonsense from years ago rather a Canadian doco about junior hokcey team in the Quebec league. Really interesting.
Red here. Check this wee interview with Armando Iannucci about In The Loop being the sweariest film ever to be Oscar nominated.
Avatar deserves any technical award it gets but it's a pretty poor film. It'll probably get best picture and Cameron will probably get his director nod. His involvement in the development of the tech used means he deserves something but Bigelow probably deserves the director nod for Hurt Locker. The direction really is brilliant, as is much else in the film. It would be a deserving big winner on the night.
Nice to see Up get a best picture nod but that's only because of the extended list this year. Animation is still considered a secondary film form to mainstream Hollywood fare but that's to be expected. Up has no chance of winning best picture so expect it to get best animated, or the Pixar award as it should be known.
Oh and nice to see a nomination for In The Loop in adapted screenplay, it doesn't count as an original because it's based on the TV show The Thick Of It. It won't win, it's way too sweary. The greatest shame is that unlike the best song nominees they don't get to perform a bit at the awards ceremony itself. The Oscars could do with some Peter Capaldi shouting F, Star, Star, Cunt!
Anyway we'll do our usual way off predictions game then it's time for the best awards of the season The Spliceys!