In suspenders from the BBC for phoning Manuel from Fawlty Towers and telling him that his grand daughter has been pumped. Lets face it we all know the story its been done to death in the papers and on the news.
I would like to put the Splice team forward to fill the gap. Film 2008 with Red and Ruud, Friday Night with Red and Ruud. Fucking hell, if you ahve seen any of the big mans videos on here he is a shoe in for ponderland as meandering bollocks talking is his favoured mode of verse!
Dear BBC,
myself and my esteemed would like to be considered for any of the posts you have available after "rossbrandgate" (can i claim this as my own?) we feel we fit the bill as we have done some radio work before (our excellent show breaking balls (see the list of websites splice endorses on the left of the screen)) and in all our time we never worked out how to get the phone to work so we can be seen as relatively low risk.
cheers for listening.
ruud and red
i think we have a chance.
i will now ask for my coleague to film a wee opening credits video for our new film 2008 show including the old barry norman music. and i will put a thanks underneath it showing that i asked, he obliged and i thanked him. (ie put vid under this but above thank u mate)
Cheers bud.
Ruud Kerouac
Action edit from Big Red:
Right here's what I knocked u. It features the new theme tune, a short synopsis of the sort of guff we'd do and then appeals to the Beeb. I suppose this is really a pitch tape for something that can and won't happen!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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