Twenty reasons, in no particular order, why The Monster Squad rules:
1)The pompous opening salvo about Van Helsing and the vampire fighters that concludes; "they blew it".
2) Shane Black co-wrote it.
3) It's got a montage in the most 80's of senses.
4) "Scary German guy's bitchin'".
5) "We're at war with Vietnam. It's in Rambo!"
6) Richie Aprile from The Sopranos is in it.
7) Groundhog Day Part 12; not the Bill Murray film's eleventh sequel, but a swipe at Halloween, Friday 13th et al. Anyway this is older than the time loop comedy. So Monster Squad is directly responsible for that other great film (okay, it's not).
8) Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Wolfman, The Mummy and The Creature From The Black Lagoon (okay that's cheating a bit)
9) Mr. Alucard (straight from the Nilbog school of clues that one).
10) Eugene's Dad deals with the "monsters".
11) "Rudy, a question. Do you know any virgins?"
12) Dracula drives, and a hearse with a silver skull hood ornament no less.
13) The effects are actually way better than you remember/think.
14) "Creature stole my Twinkie".
15) "Maybe we should be 'Nature Squad' and look at rocks and birds and not be dead".
16) "The Wolfman's got nards!"
17) The Mummy's death is genius.
18) "Like really religious Sean, why don't we just go and do it in Burger King?"
19) "My name is Horace!"
20) The closing "with it" Monster Squad theme tune:
See the Monster Squad! I bloody well mean it!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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