Early contender for film of the year, Pixar better raise their game:
atticusbird182's description on the video page on YouToss:
To all those who are wondering, Colin got an A in this course.
This is my friend Colin's bear animation. And this video is genius I can't stop laughing. So here you can laugh too. You have to listen to it with sound, and watch it twice cause the second time is way better.
So this video was created by a third year Game Development student at UOIT. This is the final animation for an Animation Arts class. My friend Colin used all the techniques that were taught by this professor. And as you can see, he made the best animation with what was taught. Seriously, it's genius.
The song is "Funky Monkey Dance" from Mother 3
This was not for an Animation program. It was one class, for one semester.
Just imagine that lasting 90 minutes!
Cheers to Samtaco on the MST3K Discussion Board for this gem!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
what are you on about, its proper shite.
It's the best thing ever! A total fuck you to the absolute nothing this guy learned on his shitey course! Dancing Bear The Movie for 2009, starring James Gandolfini as the bear!
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