i love these at the beginning of films. though now your a bit older and read the paper and magazines you can more or less guess whats coming up, it was all so much simpler and more enjoyable as a pup when going to see Spiceworld: the movie (alright i wasnt that young) or mighty Ducks, which was actually called we are the champoins when i went to the pictures to see it, or other such films i went to the pictures to and flung sweeties about like a brat. anyway, this isnt about that, tho it possibly should be.
this is actually about what is coming up from ruud kerouac in the coming month.
reviews of enchanted (surprisingly unshite), grindhouse (finally) i am legend (miby) and some more.
my overview of christmas telly films (1 film)
a breakdown of sports films (if i can be fucked)
the forty best 80s films as voted by viewers of channel 5 and some paper i cant remeber which; the verdict.
and also i memorable think back to things i remember going to the pictures to see when younger. some lovely anecdotes ahoy. my wee introduction has got me in the mood.
it may have came toyour attention that i provide a scant amount of subject matter on this site and so my promises are probably being laughed up the sleeve at (surely thats not a phrase?!) but worry ye not, new yr new ruud.
good day.
ruud kerouac
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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