Look here!
Quite a few aren't actually out here yet so I'll reserve comment, except to say that Bourne got the usual snub for anything that isn't editing or sound, Disney are dominating the best song (did they see Walk Hard?), Surf's Up got a nomination (personal HUZZAH!) and there's the usual non-Yank snub in most of the main non-acting categories. Also after the whole BAFTAS creaming themselves over Atonement it may have been the usual pro-Brit pish from them or what I just described from Oscar.
Anyway it appears to be going ahead no matter how the writer's strike is going. Up to you if that's a good thing, but John Stewart's involved so it can't be all bad.
Oh and I'd do the Spliceys but let's be honest, awards are crap really so who cares.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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