2010. Hmmm. So far, not so good. Splice has been a tad sparse on the posts front this year and there's a simple reason; I've barely been to the cinema. Now it's maybe a wee bit unfair for me to blame the lack of good movies as Splice is primarily a blog about how much I love films. Ruud joined because of his love of films. But sadly we've lost our focus a bit and recently it's been a blog about reviewing stuff that's come out and that's all. Thankfully Ruud resurrecting our Greatest 90's films feature has ignited a wee spark that's been missing in me.
I've realised that thanks to a lack of films I really want to see this year it's been good for catching up on stuff I've missed both old and new. But even then there haven't been enough Splice posts. Who cares about those event movies like Avatar and the latest Sparkly Vamp toss, it should be about having fun with movies. Sadly by reviewing everything, watching them has become a bit of a chore. And that's not right, especially as this isn't a job or something but a blog based hobby I suppose.
At least things are looking up on the movie front. Toy Story 3 should hopefully be pretty damn amazing, if I can get through without greetin like a big wean, and Scott Pilgrim looks like it'll be a belter. Plus with another Twilight movie and M. Night Shabba Ranks turning in what is reportedly his worst film by some distance in Avatar: The Last Airbender Rifftrax should finish the year strongly.
2010 so far has mainly been about quality over quantity as two films have towered above the year, and very possibly will the next decade, Kickass and Four Lions. Both fantastic and if you've not seen them preorder the DVDs now. Sadly there were some other very well reviewed films I really wanted to see, namely A Prophet, Lebanon and The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo. The reason I didn't see them? Well you may have spotted they all have something in common, none are English language films and as such were given such limited releases it was impossible to get to see them. Thankfully they are all coming out soon, or are out, on DVD so they've been queued on my Lovefilm list to be caught up on, as have the likes of Up In The Air, Precious, Lovely Bones and so on. Anyone on Lovefilm will know it can be a bit difficult getting the newer films though so fingers crossed. On the riffing front Cinematic Titanic's ninth offering Alien Factor may be their finest and Rifftrax's New Moon riff is absolutely fantastic. Both worth checking out.
So although 2010 has been a bit on the sparse side I'm choosing to look on the positive side and get Splice back on track.
Fuckingly incredible!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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