Here is what i left off mondays movie T.W.A.T. post that i promised for today.
Wed 4th Mar 09
Have you ever watched Jack and Sawyer and Kate and Locke et al in the tv phenomenon Lost? Have you ever watched an episode and saw someone in a flashback for instance who was so familiar let not so you typed in Lost into the old Imdb website to check out who it is (Locke’s dad is the guy from Roadhouse by the way) well when you type it in then the TV series shows up and also a film from the year 2004 starring Dean Cain well this film is on tonight at 5 past 12 on bbc1, no idea what its about or anything just recognised it from imdb and thought i would share. Other stuff on worth noting is channel4 at 1.15, C4 like to stick a wee indie movie in during the night which is great, sometimes you get a wee gem, however a lot of them now have sign language which is irritating. tonight’s one is The Safety of Objects which is about unhappy suburban americans, sounds about right!
Once Upon a Time in the Midlands is on film4 too, 11.05. Shane Meadows, what a guy!
Thurs 5th Mar 09
What a swizz Thursday is i have to say, Will Smith season continues on fiveUSA with Men II Black at 9, weird way of writing it and all. On normal telly, there is only one thing on, 10pm on five, BLOODSPORT! Bloodsport, no more needs to be said.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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