well its enevitable, set in stone some would say, when a popular book is made into a film and so it is relaunched to put itno the public eye more and more. And it all goes mental, and this movie tie in finds itself in the 2 for £7 deal in asda! Anyway, alongside Marley and Me on the shelves right now is The Damned United only it wont look like this;

It now looks like this;
Yes, they have used the movie poster to sell the book off the back of the film. For me not a patch on the other cover but there you go.
Anyway, its a mere couple of weeks till the film is released, hopefully the best football movie since
well, since like ever.
The best fitba movie since A Shot At Glory!
ah yes, a shot at glory. ian McCall's finest moment.
Do you remember when this was getting made and Robert Duvall went to Ibrox to catch a match, a few rangers "fans" took a photo of him and gave bobby a scarf to wear.
nice eh? except it wasnt red white and blue more purple and orange.
oh the wit in causing such an iternational incident.
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