So it's meant to go turn-about but Ruud said to get on with it. Maybe it's punishment for taking so long to write the review of The Hudsucker Proxy. Whatever let's keep the momentum of our favourite films of the 90's going (since I nearly killed it). Oh and Ruud's working on his next film now and I've got another two up my sleeve so this list is gonna grow baby! So here we go with film number 3:
Galaxy Quest (1999)

When a race of peaceful, naive aliens get into a spot of bother with some nasty bugs (not the ones from Starship Troopers) they turn to Earth's finest heroes, the crew of Galaxy Quest. Shamefully the Galaxy Quest videos that the aliens have received aren't historical documents but rather a cheesy 80's Star Trek-like show that has transmitted across the galaxy. So obviously when they "beam up"* the crew aren't exactly the best suited people for the job.
*Last lame Star Trek reference I promise!
Okay so it's essentially the same plot as the Three Amigos transported into space, but space and the Three Amigos are cool so what's the problem?
The thing I like about Galaxy Quest is that it's one of those smart, fun films that Hollywood occasionally plops out of its buttocks, wiping it up before anyone has really noticed that it done so in the first place. It's got all the CRASH, BANG, WALLOP! of a blockbuster, but at the same time it's parodying clunky sci-fi, mainly TV but movies can be counted too. A major criticism is that the parody doesn't go far enough. The cheesy original show is only tantalisingly touched and the crew learn how to adapt to really being in space a little too quickly.
But this is me griping about things that are easy to overlook. So many great things are in here, from the pig lizard's trip in the transporter, the rock monster (way better looking than those "guy in suit" efforts on Star Trek) and its lack of a weak spot and the great observational stuff about how ridiculous this stuff is through the fact that the aliens have designed the ship entirely by basing it on things shown on the show. Thanks to this there's an overly elaborate security system that the crew can't even navigate without help and a self destruct mechanism that brings a great spin on the old hitting the button just in time bit that I won't ruin.
Then there's the cast. To put it mildly they're perfect. Tim Allen channels his inner Shatner to become Jason Nesmith who plays the Captain of the ship and who outside the show has lost his self-awareness big time. His arrogance has led to his fellow cast hating him, and through the real mission realises the way to not only prove himself worthy of the Captain title, but to galvanise the crew/cast. Alan Rickman does his hammy thing as hammy ACTOR Alexander Dane, banished to a life as the ship's number two, forced to spout a catchphrase and wear silly forehead makeup. Of course worst of all is that he's forever in in Jason's shadow. Alexander's jealousy and disdain lead to some of the funniest one liners in the film ("I see you managed to get your shirt off", "oh, it's always about you") and his commitment to acting is something he forever throws in Jason's face (witness the scene with the rock monster where Alexander asks what its motivation is and then doubts Jason's commitment to the craft). Sigourney Weaver becomes the anti-Ripley by becoming blonde, a bimbo and all boobs, while Sam Rockwell almost steals the show from Rickman as Guy. Guy played an extra who died on the show and has ended up tagging along. For the most part he threats over the fact that he'll probably die for real as he's not a main character, a parody of the old Star Trek tradition of sending Kirk, Spock and a nobody down to the planet with one of them dieing. Guess who?
Galaxy Quest's flaws are mainly script based, the original draft was supposedly much darker, but they do not stop this from being a pretty great little comedy. It's smart, witty, the cast are universally excellent and although its target's an easy one, it does a good job of finding new ways to parody it. As I said it's one of those rare films that shows that just occasionally Hollywood entertainment doesn't need to mean loud and dumb.
The Top 100
Galaxy Quest is a (flawed) blast. It's great fun and it never fails to entertain me. That said I'd personally place it third on the list so far:
1. Hudsucker Proxy
2. Grosse Pointe Blank
3. Galaxy Quest
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