It has been my plan for many months now to write an article or two about books i have read that have cinematic potential. But, typically i may add, the idea got shelved in favour of lying about scratching myself and other such joys.
That was until this week when my appetite was renewed by the book in the title. The Damned United. Started reading it on Tuesday, finished today (Friday incidentally) and it is magic. For those of you who dont know its the story of Brian Clough's 44 days in charge of Leeds United, and for those of you who dont know Brian Clough is one of the most brilliant, succesful, enigmatic, famous, arrogant, brilliant managers ever to manage in the English game. In 1974 he took the job of his most sworn of enemies Don Revie, that being his vacated place as manager of then champions LEEDS LEEDS LEEDS!
The book is written in such a strange way, not as a biography as it may seem, rather as a work of fiction. The main character is Clough himself but it is written from his perspective, his thoughts, his doubts, his anger and triumph and takes us through the events of each of those 44 days, the trainign the games the nights alone, the drives to the stadium and segues it with his path to the Leeds hotseat, from his curtailed playing career to his time managing Hartlepool, Derby and Brighton.
Its not just Clough who is a well rounded fictional character, the rest have their traits nailed firmly on them, Don Revie, his nemisis and the man who haunts his dreams is almost like the emperor form Star Wars, the staff Revie left behind, have the LOTR Wromtongue effect, taking behind his back to the point he dreams theya re saying thing different to what they actually are. the Leeds players who seemingly hate his guts against the Derby players who adore him are all well rounded individuals also and the whole thing plays like a movie. Scenes such as him torching the desk or his discovery of the famous green jumper play in your mind as memorable scenes from a film rather than "gid bits" out a book. If you read it you will know what i mean, i wont tell any more even though if you are aware of the man and the story you know how it goes.
The other cinematic effect i have is Clough as character, in fact three images and performances came to the fore. Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast, Paul Bettany in Gangster no1, and both the book and film of American Psycho. By that its his ticks, the rage and the expletives of all three and the books repetitive nature which is so similar to Psycho, his explanation of his clothes and his routine mirrored in Damned as he talks of his route to his office, up his stairs, along his corridors, into his office, these elements are repeated constantly. All of this leads me to think of possible leads for the characters,
But wait, no need, no need at all, this book is already in production. slated to come out next year filming has began!
So its Michael Sheen as Clough, and he look great. But Timothy Spall is Cloughs long term right hand man Peter Taylor and an inspired choice Colm Meaney is Revie! martin Compston is going to be in it as John O'Hare and Stephen Graham as Bremner, looking at IMDBs page for the film it has an actor down to play Johnny Giles but from what i have read elsewhere he has sued the publishers and is to be ommited from future versions of the book so i cant understand why he is in the film, but thats merely a sidenote. Broadbents in it too so its a great cast, msot of the rest of it is folk you will recognise from yer Holby Citys and doctor Whos, good jobbing British actors. Plus! Plus its directed by a guy who used to direct Byker Grove! as well as some more sober stuff later in his career. All in all i cant wait, it was a terrific book and finger crossed it will be a brilliant film. Fingers crossed i say! Get them fucking CROSSED!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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