Cinematic Titanic's second effort Doomsday Machine is now available (Promo 1 and 2). And the bestest news ever is that it's available Worldwide on DVD or as a download. You can get it here. Obviously this is great news after the difficulties for non-Yank fans in getting the first episode The Oozing Skull. I've ordered it and I'll review it when it arrives (something in me doesn't trust downloads, so much so I'm putting more faith in the Postal Service. Maybe I see them as another step toward T2: Judgment Day-style oblivion!).

That's not all on the riffing front, oh no sirree Bob. Rifftrax rumbles on like some form of wise cracking colossus with numerous reasons to get a little squishy.
First up is the little matter of Rifftrax tackling M. Night Shymmmannniiannlannn's plodding, ooh the big twist that if you didn't see coming you had ruined for you by some loud mouthed bint at school/work/on the bus featuring, ghost story The Sixth Sense. Mix the fact that there's a creepy kid, an air of pretentiousness and plenty of space for riffs and this could be a good 'un.
It's out on June 25th and as part of the build up Rifftrax released this little mock-up on that there Web thingy all the kids are talking about:
Is it just me or does that Chihuahua film look the nuts?

BUT (again)
There's even more as the ongoing Rifftrax Presents, think of it as Rifftrax without Mike Nelson with a cast of MST3K and non-MST3K related people ripping into movies. They've tackled some dodgy fan versions of Star Trek, well worth checking out, and some horrors such as Alien: Director's Cut (no PAL at time of writing) and Saw. Plus new riffer Matthew J. Elliott (some funny English bloke) has tackled the crap remakes of Dark Water and House Of Wax.
But the most exciting involves the poaching of CT rival Mary Jo Pehl to help Bill Corbett riff on The X-Files Movie.
Plus parts of the script were written by freelancers including Joshway of numerous projects, including some damn fine fan riffs of his own.
As I said a Riff Overload (would have worked better if that was said out loud in a booming voice). I'm so excited that a wee bit of jobbie hit my pants while typing this. You can't pass on that level of excitement!
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