As if the remake of The Wicker Man hadn't done enough damage to mankind Nic Cage is at it again as he's set to star in a remake of Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant with sometimes amazing, mostly shit director Werner Herzog. Empire Magazine asked if this will be the craziest film ever made thanks to that pairing. Crazy? Probably not? Utter pish? More than likely.
Now regular Splice readers may notice I have a wee problem with Nic Cage. The reason is because he's bad. Bloody bad. Mind crushingly bad. Bad. It's easy to levy at him the argument that it's only thanks to family that he's had so much success. I feel this is an unfair assumption. It's pretty clear his talent got him the National Treasure films. Some people say "but he's really good" thanks to having watched one of those rare gems he appears in. Watch Next. If you manage to get through it without vomiting up a kidney then you're a) a freak, or b) a Nic Cage fan (so a) then).
The biggest worry with this project is that after having to endure Harvey Kietel's penal length in the original will that mean "little Nicky" shall be making an appearance? At least if it does we can find out if his Jap's Eye does that "crazy" thing his other two does when he acts.
Worth it? I'll get back to you on that after I clean up the lung I've just hurled up.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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