Check this out!
Obviously influenced by our very own slowly evolving Top 100 list, two films and counting people!, The Times has went and done their own.
They've attempted to do one that's not the same as all the rest, which means they left Citizen Kane out for no other reason than it's always number 1, and popped Point Break in at number 97 (yes, Point Break). The thing is some of the placings (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind at number 9?) and omissions (The Bicycle Thieves) seem designed to piss people off rather than find a true list, a silly thing really, there is no one film to unify us all.
The biggest problem is that the odd choice apart it's pretty standard stuff with most of the films the sort of things that feature in these things regularly and offering Casablanca number 1 is almost as cliched as offering it to Welles' masterpiece. Even the placing of There Will Be Blood at number 2 is the usual knee-jerk reaction to a current piece of brilliance that does deserve to be there found in all of these lists.
In the end The Times writers have failed pretty miserably in their attempt to revive a very tired piece of film journalism. I know it smacks of Hippo's Clit-ism while we here at Splice are doing one but it's really just an excuse to go back and watch those films we love and write about them. Citizen Kane may not be the greatest film ever made (it's obviously Evil Dead 2, another frankly shocking omission) but to dismiss it in the way they did shows how flawed their list is. And the fact that there's a link to a separate piece about Silent Cinema because it was all but ignored tells its own story. Nosferatu over Cabinet of Dr. Caligari my arse!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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