So the opening film of our little project has been mulled over and now it's my turn to pick one. Now it would be very easy to go for the obvious great films that came out in the 90's (Bicentennial Man of course) so I won't, instead possibly leaving them to the end when the realisation strikes that we can't have a Greatest 90's film list without (fill in obvious film starring Robin Williams here, say Jumanji or Jack).
And so with that in mind and the fact that Ruud chose something quirky to begin with I'm going to do the same. But to upset the apple cart a little more I'm going to start with movie makers that may well be the finest exponents of the art during that decade; the Coen Brothers. But instead of going for all those films that always get touted I'm going to go with what I consider their forgotten gem, the film every Coen fan, casual or otherwise, dismissed before it was easy to do that with any of their works.
I am, of course, talking about THE HUDSUCKER PROXY (it may have helped if as you read that some dramatic music played). Keep the ol' eyeballs peeled for my review soon followed by Ruud's response.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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