That's right! You read it correctly. We here at Splice have chosen to undertake the mammoth task of watching a ton of movies that all came out in a single decade, the one right before the one you're in right now. At regular intervals, or when we can be arsed, myself or Ruud shall proclaim a movie from the decade they're already calling "that one that was a bit better than the 80's, Christ remember how shite they were?" and then watch it before both posting our thoughts. What will amass shall be the greatest movies ever made! (from that decade).
Ruud's going to kick it off with Grosse Point Blank.
As his idea goes that film is our number one. Then I'll suggest something. It'll be placed accordingly in perspective to the film already done. We'll keep doing this until there's a big list, that you'll probably disagree with but that's okay. It's called debate and trust me when I say myself and Ruud will be debating heavily as to how this list will pan out.
This should be interesting!
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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