I will start March with an apology, I am apologising for my lack of success fulfilling what I outlined to do at the beginning of February. So, sorry.
Apology out the way I will simply hint to what may or may not be coming in the next month, may or may not because I really feel that promises could well be broken. I suppose I better at this juncture explain why I never got round to everything I said I would, basically its because I am lazy, it all seemed like a good idea when writing it but the process of delivering is sometimes doesn’t seem so appealing. However one thing which happened last month both hindered my chances of posting a lot and at the same time will help me post more this month. That being, me passing my driving test, I am not boasting about that by the way, at 26 it’s probably about time, but it has empowered me to move out my family home and into ma own wee man flat. Having been here four days it is in fact incredibly boring, as there is no hustle or bustle of people coming in or out or anything, just me. Kind of strange but I will get used to it. So with this, I will have time on my hands to watch more stuff and do more stuff. Well it’s a sort of plan anyway.
A quick summary of what I conquered from Feb.’s Greenlit shows that I never did any reviews, Grindhouse is still a mile away sadly, I did harbour intentions of going to the Glasgow Film festival to see it on the fabled “big screen”, but then harbour intentions is a phrase which can be used to describe a lot of what I do in life. I.e. harbour intentions equals wanted to but forgot/couldn’t be bothered when it came to it/changed my mind. In other words, I saw it was on, registered it would be good to see, but when it came down to getting the time getting the tickets etc I put it on back burner and forgot, was reminded and decided no.
I am Legend I did watch and have got a review sort of done just not posted, so half a tick. Never saw anything else in Feb, too busy.
Next was another rollover form January, review of Christmas viewing, well tis a bit pointless now, since its nearly spring so I will quickly recap here, the whole Christmas holidays I watched one film on TV. Three Men and a Little Lady. And it was good, good because I had a hangover and couldn’t get out bed, and good because I haven’t seen it in ages. Ted Danson and Tom Sellick are great. Steve Guttenberg is a bit pants but hey, it wouldn’t be the same without him, so fuck it, he was great too. In all it says a lot about the Christmas schedule that this is all I watched, I had hoped there would be a slew of those types of films on at around the 11am wake up time but really there wasn’t, no Mighty Ducks, no Neverending Story, no nothing. Poor show.
Third thing, another rollover from Jan, Channel 5s best 80s film compilation show, kinda forgot what was on it, binned.
Sports movies and things I remember going to the pictures to see when young will now be shelved; to be brought back later I should think. A poor effort not to cover them last month but I feel a mature decision to shelve them instead o letting it roll again. Good on me.
I did however put a script of mine up and also had a right good bash at Oscar predicting so I wasn’t totally redundant!
The Danny Dyer expose will be coming, in fact I am currently researching that one, watched Severance last night, erm, it was mince but got into it in the end. (gid review) so keep your eyes peeled.
2008 look forward and my new series can be rolled over I think too, so here’s the line up for March.
1. Danny Dyer; am I missing something?
2. 2008 stuff I look forward to.
3. Begin the series of films that I thought were crap but maybe I just never got. Saving Private Ryan will be first but also look out for Spinal Tap and Big Fish.
4. More reviews.
5. With Big Reds help I suggest we start a SPLICE: Best Films of the 90s List. Every months we, me and him will put a favourite film of ours form the 90s, no less than one, no more than four a month, review it or such like then over the course of time we will have compiled a list of the top 100 films of the 90s. Or 50 if it gets boring! I picked the 90s because others get done to death, the 80s for example, also I and Red are only in our 20s, and this is our time if you will. Rules will be implemented such as the year of release must be from imdb but these things can get ironed out later.
6. More stuff such as the SPLICE first showing of my editing creation which will blow Reds quite embarrassing though admittedly funny vids of the planet. And also anything else that catches my eye this month.
Ruud Kerouac
Live Stuff
14 years ago
1 comment:
Mighty Ducks was on the other day!
And aye to the 90s films idea! How about we start wae 90 then 91 and so on then reset every ten. Don't need to just a thought.
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