Tuesday, 22 June 2010

New Pirates of the Carribean film

Its reported today that the script for this upcoming flick which started filming yesterday was left in a greasy spoon type of cafe by mistake and found by a fan.
some interesting points about this story:

The guy that found it never read it cos he is a fan and wanted to enjoy it at the cinema (or on dodgy pirate (no pun intended) DVD depending on his chosen form of movie watching)

its going to be titled On Stranger Tides which is something i never knew and is about Jack Sparrows search for the fountain of youth, which considering i am reading about this and passing judgement in the form of this blog on my 29th birthday today seems quite apt.
However the mindblowing element of the story is the fact the script was 194 pages long!

194 pages, now at the rule of thumb is that script pages usually are a page a minute making this one over 3 hours of script and that isnt taking into consideration the probable one page synopsis of 5 minute action set pieces or the fact that the last two in the franchise have been frankly shabbily edited.

Could this be shaping up as a 4 hour family film? Probably not but the film is scheduled to be released next May so plenty of time for fans to get their arse in training to be sat down for most likely 3 and a bit hours. Oh and no doubt it will be 3D, but that really has no relevance.

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