What a turn around. I mean maybe Ian McShane had some sort of awesome career before the lamefest that was Lovejoy and it was just a return to form but I dont know right or wrong if that is true so basically im thinking that its a great turnaround in fortunes for the man that played an antique dealer on Sunday night BBC telly in the 1990s to become a guy who played a great American TV antihero of the last decade and also the star of a fair few pretty awesome films on both sides of the Atlantic.
That was a long long sentence which no doubt is replete with mistakes in spelling and punctuation. Sorry.
So as the time ticks down on this year its time to look forward to what could be the first great film you see next year. 44 Inch Chest. Due out midway through January in the UK its a British gangster film written by the writers of Sexy Beast. No further information is really needed. Except to say it also stars Mssrs Winstone, Hurt and Wilkinson.
Someone, has came up with a rather excellent trailer for this, it may be a bootleg, it may be official but it ties in rather nicely with our advent theme. Enjoy.
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