Midweek Movies T.W.A.T. 6th - 9th April 09
T.W.A.T. means to watch avec telly. This is the Spice Guide to whats on telly thats filmy. Read it and post some comments, what you watched, what you didnt, tell me to stop posting thins crap, your choice.
Avec means "with" i know that but rather than "on" and make it T.W.O.T. its T.W.A.T. cos its aesthetically more pleasing.Another weekend has rolled itself around so here is where to find out what is coming up on the telly if your staying in. Or rather you could probably check the papers too, they have the tv listings, yeah! But it doesnt have the same spin on it you will read here so forget the national press and read on.Going to curtail this a bit cos its long winded and sometimes boring.
Monday 6th Apr 09
Instead of Manhunter which is on ITV tonight i am going to pick out The Fast and the Furious which is getting shown most probably ad nauseum due to the fact the new film is out in the cinemas soon. the new film is called "Fast and Furious" which is a crap title and is taglined by the amazing "new model, original parts" or something which alludes to the fact that the new film has the same folk in it as the 1st one as opposed to the two sequels which diluted the stars more and more as they went along. So this is the original that is on ITV2 at 9pm and its my reccomendtation to watch tonight. its not brilliant, its got Paul Walker as an undercover cop for christ sake and Vin Diesel is in it too and he can be known to suck but even still its pretty exciting and there is some cool tattoos on show. A decent Monday night movie.
Tuesday 7th Apr 09
Swordfish has Halle Berrys tits in it. Its on fiveUSA at 9pm. But you may be watching the football when it starts so you may miss it. its champions league 1st legs though so flick back and forward. Actually there is some stunning action scenes in this so its well worth a look, especially the opening one. Plus Halle Berrys boobs out scene was usurped by her getting pumped by Billy Bob in Monsters Ball so its all a bit meh now. Oh oh oh i should mention John travoltas haircut in Swordfish is worth a look!
Wednesday 8th Apr 09
Nothing to report for watching today so i suppose i should apologise for missing the TWAT last week, was in Amsterdam last weekend so was otherwise engaged then missed the midweek one because i was rough. i have no such excuses for the weekend there, except i was lazy. Sorry if anyone actually reads this.
Thursday 9th Apr 09
lets go with Green Street tonight on ITV4 at 10 pm, the film that inspired thousands of wee dicks the length of the country to be fake cockneys when talking about being hooligans regardless of where they actually come from. Scottish wee dick hoolies actually say cant instead of cunt. In the film if you no know nothing of it, Elijah Woods plays an american student who is pulled in by hooliganism to obvious effect.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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