Weekend Movies T.W.A.T. 27th Feb - 1st March 09
T.W.A.T. means to watch avec telly. This is the Spice Guide to whats on telly thats filmy. Read it and post some comments, what you watched, what you didnt, tell me to stop posting thins crap, your choice.Avec means "with" i know that but rather than "on" and make it T.W.O.T. its T.W.A.T. cos its aesthetically more pleasing.
Another weekend has rolled itself around so here is where to find out what is coming up on the telly if your staying in. Or rather you could probably check the papers too, they have the tv listings, yeah! But it doesnt have the same spin on it you will read here so forget the national press and read on.
Friday 27th Jan 2009
‘normal’ telly has been at it all week and as we come to Friday its no different, absolutely balls all on. The only thing worth a look and only if you cant find the remote to turn it over or you can find the remote but its slightly out of reach and because its friday you deont actually make any effort to get it....oh and the telly is set to BBC1 then you can watch Halloween H20! You know what, that is a right shit name for a film.
Digital is where its at however, Sky3 to be precise and 9pm the time. Aztec Rex is on. What? Never heard of it? me neither i will admit, however get this, its about 16th century Spanish explorers battling dinosaurs in a South American jungle. now you have to put that gem of a synopsis together with the knowledge (or lack of) that none of us have heard of it and realise that this is going to be a steaming pile of dung, and that friends is a reason to rejoice!
Also on and battling out for your 10pm viewing are three films on ITV4, ITV3 and more4 respectively, Cyborg starring JCVD (he is everywhere right now), The Graduate and Millers Crossing being the films shown. Millers Crossing is the Coens stab at American gangster cinema and frankly its cracking, also if your a Spice fan you will know that the slightly neglected guide to the top 100 films of the 90s has it on the slate as the next film to show up on the ever growing list, so this is a great chance to see what we will be talking about as soon as Red gets his finger out!
Sex Pistols doco The Filth and the Fury is on film4 at 11.15 by the way if you can find and hold the remote in your grasp and cant face Halloween H2O, up to you.
Saturday 28th jan 2009
Saturday has basically decided to follow suit with the working days of the week and decided to be pant also. ITV and C4 have films on at nine each and both are worth a look, you may have seen them, Bourne Supremacy and Shawshank Redemption? Midnight on BBC1 has Terry Gillian mind fucking us to a pulp with 13 Monkeys also, so even though its only three choices there all goodies, dont get me wrong there is more stuff on, but on the whole nothing stuck out so if nothing takes your fancy have a can of beer and make a conscious effort to fall asleep during match of the day.
It’s the pure biz on bbc4 on Saturday, a Hitchcock night of sorts, two films; The Lady Vanishes which is hilarious in parts and Rebecca which is absolutely wonderful. But also on is a hour long doco by Paul Merton called Paul Merton looks at Alfred Hitchcock. Its on at 9pm and surrounded by the two films but get this if you miss it then you can see it the other two times its on this very night! Back of 12 and back of 3. It must be mega!
Nearly forgot, fiveUSA’s western double bill. The Shootist and Silverado. The Shootist is John Waynes last ever film so suppose that piece of history is worth a watch, after having missed McLintock last Sat i may just make The Shootist my entry point to ol Marion’s canon.
Sunday 1st Mar 2009
Does Sunday signify a new week or simply the last day of the old one? Something to ponder i suppose, as far as this preview thing goes its the start of the week as there is some good shit on and plenty of it. BBC2 has Connery and Caine, yes Connerya nd Caine in the Man who would be King at 3pm a good afternoon flick and up against a piece of Bond pish on ITV no less! HA! Easy, no Michael Caine in Bond! If thats not yer bag then Wizard of Oz is on five at 10 to 4. Can i just say that i like those new Orange ad’s with the wicked witch of the west in them, there funny. Evening viewing has Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker in Rush Hour 2, now i dont care what anyone says, i bloody like Rush Hour films, i think they are funny, and Chris Tucker isnt irritating, he is funny as shit! oh alright he is a bit irritating, but it doesnt waste my enjoyment of the east meets west hijinks.
Film4 offer up back to back doozies at 11.20 and then 1.05 so if you can stay up there is Office Space from the guy who did Beavis and Butthead and also Altmans The Player, not a too bad double header. Also worth a watch is Kevin and Perry go Large on ITV2 at 11pm. Its basically about ten thousand willie jokes put together but some memories are brought back for me cos there is a scene where you can see the podium thing i danced horribly on when drunk on a boys hol in Ibiza and that makes me happy.
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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