Every now and then i type the name James Robinson into the imdb, just to see what he is up to. if your wondering who he is, he played Mel Gibson as a young chap in Braveheart. If your wondering what my deal is, its because he is a mate of mine, worked with him in a cafe in our home town and all in all he is a top bloke. i suppose i must add that he has one horrible flaw, he is a Ayr United fan but then you cant have everything.
Most of the time there isnt much to see but lo and behold there is two new things when i check today, new to me anyway, two films, a British indie called Saxon and an American film called Pathfinders: In the Company of Strangers. A tiny bit of research on my part sees that Saxon is touring the festivals as its self financed, it has the chap that played ian Curtis in 24hr party people in it and hopefully if imdb is right it will be released at the end of this year. Pathfinders has an interesting line up of leads, joining the young William Wallace of Braveheart is the young Forrest gump of Forrest Gump fame and the young Henry Hill from Goodfellas! what a terrifically quaint line up! Its a film about paratroopers landing in Normandy in WWII and its looking like a release in 09. I shall get onto him about these i think, maybe send him a wee text or something, see what the down is and post an update, in the meantime here is the trailers for the both of them, to be honest i cant pick him out from them but maybe he can set me straight on that too.
Ruud Kerouac
Live Stuff
14 years ago
1 comment:
Empire's where Are They Now? this month is about him!
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