Yup, I made my own banner. Reassuringly inexpensive to almost quote an old Wife Beater beer advert. As you can tell I'm shite wae the ol' computer but I feel the tinpot nature of the whole endeavor is summed up in one crappy logo!
Also there's a bit for you to subscribe to an email of each post so you never have to look at my face again, unless you know me, then get it right roon ye!
And there's a shiny widget resplendent with tinpot Splice logo. Got to love how sleek it looks with that plastered on the top of it. No idea what the swank fucker does but it sure looks purdy.
oh and the rumours (that I'm starting now) that the slogan for this shitty wee blog is going to be "Splice Up Your Life" are so far unfounded. Unless I give into the cheesiness that so often makes me do bad things.
In the words of Simon Bates in those advice slots at the start of videos from the 80's;
"Thanks for listening".
Big Red
Live Stuff
14 years ago
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