Monday, 30 November 2009

Splice Advent Calender Starts Tomorrow

What that there title above said:

St. Andrew's Day

Wahay it's the day we Scots don't bother to celebrate in cheap and tacky ways like a certain bunch of fellow Celts. Scottish film's a bit miserable, though, ain't it. I've made my own thoughts clear on the general state of the Scottish film industry a few times here so bugger the negativity and let's look back to a time when we seemed to do things a lot, well, nicer:

Let's make more stuff like Local Hero eh? Tae hell with this misery ridden shite. Here's a wee documentary available on Vimeo by a bloke named Kenny Parker that addresses this issue and it's well worth a watch:

Visual dissertation - Why are Scottish films so miserable? from Kenny Parker on Vimeo.

I don't know what's up with me, maybe it's the impending festive period, but I want cheerier stuff to help balance Scottish film's output. Come on Scotland let's cheer up!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Time Lapse Photography

Splice loves certain things more than others. Movies is in there. Football is in there. Baseball is also in there, and let me just say this the lesser known love of (maybe just this splice blogger) is time lapse photography. Just cant get enough of it. Al those ones on like hige super motorways which see the sun coming up and setting and all the car lights for example. Love it.

Which brings me to this, which is time lapse photography but also incorporates baseball. But like this its cinema right?

World Series Time-Lapse by Robert Caplin from Robert Caplin on Vimeo.

It plays like an old Russian montage film which probably is the point.

I like it.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Great* Lines From The Movies *Interpretations of "great" may differ from mines, Part 9

"O, Lord! O, Jesus Christ!"

Sergeant Howie, The Wicker Man

Rest ye well Mr. Woodward