Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Buffy The Movie (Again)

Aye that cracking wee bit of telly goodness Buffy The Vampire Slayer looks certain to be making the shift to the big screen. That is of course after it shifted from there to telly in the first place. But this time Buffy won't feature the man who created Buffy or Buffy herself. Sounds like a winner.

I'm not usually cynical, well okay I'm always way too cynical, but is it cynical of me to suggest that when Kuzui says:

"Everything has its moment. Every movie takes on a life at some point, and this seems like the moment to do this."

what was really meant was:

"Well Twilight made a shitload of cash and as a result vampires are, like, so in right now, hell even that weirdo Swedish number made money, that we'd be mad not to bring on some old skool teen vamp action"?

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

It's Been A While

Splice's been a bit quiet in May and there's a reason. First I got Swine Flu, or possibly just a cold, who can say, and then the utterly amazing brilliance of the Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus trailer left me stupefied for a couple of weeks. But now that double whammy of potential fatality has subsided and it's back to business as usual.

Now there hasn't really been a lot out in the cinema that looks any good during this time. Coraline does but I'd look like a pedo going to see it and Sodoku New York or whatever the new Charlie Kaufmann one's called has as an obscure showing schedule as the plot no doubt is. I'll try and have a gander at them if I can but next up is Sam Raimi's return to horror Drag Me To Hell. If all goes to plan I should be seeing it this week.

Obviously there is one mega, super-duper film I have so far ignored, Star Wars. Sorry that's Star Trek. I haven't seen it and to be honest I'm not a fan of the series and so I'm probably not the person ton comment on it if I do. One guy who is a fan is Glasgow comedian Limmy of the website of the same name (that was lucky him having the same name as a website) who posted the definitive review of the film on Youtube last week (warning contains SPOILERS and opinions that are Limmy's):

There's no point even trying to review it after that!

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus

Yeah you read that title right! From Ruud's favourite studio Asylum, they of the "Mockbuster", comes what may be the greatest worst movie ever made!

Shark attacks plane. Oh you so know it's gonna be the tits!