Aye that cracking wee bit of telly goodness Buffy The Vampire Slayer looks certain to be making the shift to the big screen. That is of course after it shifted from there to telly in the first place. But this time Buffy won't feature the man who created Buffy or Buffy herself. Sounds like a winner.
I'm not usually cynical, well okay I'm always way too cynical, but is it cynical of me to suggest that when Kuzui says:
"Everything has its moment. Every movie takes on a life at some point, and this seems like the moment to do this."
what was really meant was:
"Well Twilight made a shitload of cash and as a result vampires are, like, so in right now, hell even that weirdo Swedish number made money, that we'd be mad not to bring on some old skool teen vamp action"?
Live Stuff
14 years ago