I have seen it as well! And i thought it was magic.
Dont know why i was so excited about Iron Man, was never one of the Marvel comic book characters i knew particularly well, in fact if i am honest i didnt know anything, but as the months went by and the names were added in the film press, John Favreau was sure to do a good job, Robert Downey jr as Iron Man, yadayadayada, i started to get gee'd up for it and as the trailer hit the tv screens and you tube and everywhere basically, i found myself unable to resist, i had to see this movie, and see it i did, on the day after it came out, myself.
Yes thats right i saw it alone, i went to the pictures alone, now this isnt really a problem, not when its not very busy that is, when its mobbed like the afternoon i went to see iron man, it can be. though its only in my own mind, cos basically, no one cares that iw as there myself. In fact it had one very major positive, which was actuallu the highlight for me, when it was all said and done, and the credits began to roll, and the lights came on, the guys there with their burds started sidling their ways out, leaving the geeks and fanboys sitting, hoping, sitting and hoping there would be a wee extra scene after the credits. needless to say i know this because i was one of these chosen few die hards and we were treated to a smashing wee scene and when that was finished and i walked out shoulder to shoulder with my breathren, we knew that unlike the people who had left when the credits rolled who had seen a good film, we had seen a great one.
Iron Man is your, now obligatory in a 1st in the franchise, origins story. Tony Stark makes weapons, he gets kidnapped by bad arab types who want weapons, he does something clever to get away, he stops making weapons, wants to save the world, makes a big suit made of, yes iron, and some bloke from his work wants to still make weapons so needs to stop Stark. Another right shite synopsis from Ruud? It sure is.
All performances in this film are great, Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts is good, terence Howard is good as Starks best pal Rhodey, Favreau in a small role is good, but its Downey Junior who is brilliant, he is funny and charming with some terrific lines. But stealing the show is Jeff Bridges, the best voice in cinema, wont tell you much more except that i looked forward to every time he came on the screen.
As i said, its a table setter, a wee origin story, some bigger stories will soon be told. Since getting into Iron Man i have found out some things, the stories that will soon be told already exist, as i gather it comic book wise Iron Man gets a partner in the form of Warmonger ie his pal Rhodey, in fact his pal Rhodey becomes iron Man as the electromagnet that keeps him alive doesnt do it forever. These things may or may not happen, who am i to say, but they are exciting thoughts and it all augers well for a good franchise, and thats not to mention the wee titbit that is the final after credits scene which sets up a multi superhero angle which could be the greatest ever or pants poor, we will wait and see, i will be positive and go witht he greatest ever hope and as paltrow let slip on the BBC that she is signed on for more so summer 2010 or 11 cant come quick enough.
So its a resounding Splice thumbs up for Iron Man, a good start to the summer. Dark Knight its over to you.
anyway, here is that final scene, well what i could find on you tube, robert downey junior is played by a fat american and sam jackson is played by a fat american wearing a bandana, it sthe same scene apart from that, oh aye and they talk about it and call the film a flick, how lame.
Ruud Kerouac
Live Stuff
14 years ago