I know this isn't about movies but I had to get this off of my chest.
Has any of you tasted Tizer recently? The flavour of everybody's second favourite AG Barr fizzy soft drink has been changed!
Ignore the shite new label, it's as pish as the new Monster Munch packets, and dwell on the claim that it's "the great original flavour". On other words you can taste all the different fruits they threw in the blender, whereas before the amount of sugar must have obliterated their various citrusy goodness.
This must be stopped! Tizer was brilliant! What better drink out of an ice cold glass bottle that was slightly too big for your hands accompanied a fish supper better? That goes double if you were aff yer face!
Now it appears to be operating under the auspices of it being healthy or something. Now I know that what I am about to say flies in the face of the whole diet, but I'm fed up with food manufacturers forcebly feeding us "healthier options". There are no options! It's their healthier, blander take on the food you used to love or fuck all. People ahould have the ability to choose. If they choose the healthier option then fare play to them, but choosing to eat the unhealthy option is not down to poor education. We know chips and cake will make us fat. I say we should have the right to choose to be overweight dammit! I may have taken the choice to lose weight, but at some later stage, say a cold winter, I may decide I'd like to be a bit more fleshy.
All I'm saying is it starts with Tizer. Before you know it chippy food is being heated using lamps, with energy saving bulbs of course.
Let's put an end to it. I want my Tizer back, even if there is a chance it'll be the death of me.
Live Stuff
14 years ago